If you haven't guessed, my Romwe.com Givenchy like tee dress (confusion I know) arrived today! I nearly cried! And compared to the real one that Christine Centenera wears, I would say it is just as awesome!
The real thang!
romwe.com dress!
I must say it is short enough to wear as a tee, and the print is not as clear because the fabric is actually thick and stiff unlike thin stretchy tee shirt material!
Shitty close up - webcam quality!
This is what I like to call one 'Satisfied customer'! I was smiling like this for the next 40 minutes, until my mumma came home and told me to fix my bed!
I know I said I was going to give outfit ideas but no joke it is just sooooo nice you can literally wear it with anything! I threw on my white Nike air forces and picked up my little sister from school and it still managed to look awesome! Everyone must buy one because this is a must have for not just this season, but for LIFE!
Don't think I am late because there is a reason I am writing about this! The weather! The first song I had ever heard from Caribou was 'Melody Day' off the album 'Andorra', back in 2007. It blew my mind and since I had grown up in the West it was music I had never experienced before, every person I went to school with loved rnb or mainstream crap which I was very bored of (You must remember I was in year 9), no one was really into this strange music except for like 3 people I knew. Hard life. Anyway, I had the first generation iPod touch and I would literally just kick back and play this song on repeat, and in art when we had the privilege of being able to listen to our own music, this song gave me inspiration when nothing else would.
2007 album 'Andorra'
3 years on and I heard 'Odessa', off the album 'Swim'. Back in 2010 I had always assumed that if I was to ever have a fashion show I would be utilising this song in the background, even though I had no intention of actually becoming a designer, I was really fucked up.
2010 album 'Swim'
On winter days like today, I have one of those Caribou days when I just sit back and reminisce about those years, and start making up lyrics to all of the songs, because let's face it, I have no idea what the fuck he is saying or singing about!
To read more about the background of Caribou you can click HERE. He has a good story so I would suggest reading it when you have time!
Anyway Caribou has other songs which I really love, 'Leave House' is a very good song which I really like and would suggest everyone listen to.
I would really describe his style as really chilled out but then it has a kick of crazy in it! His genre is actually Electronica/Psychedelic Pop as it states on wikipedia so I'm just going to reference wiki because it sounds about right!
Ok so below i've some songs mainly because I have been listening to them today and I believe everyone will like them.
This my dear friends is what I like to call the most powerful energy drank I have ever had in my whole life! I love it! If you are tired at work and think yeah, i'm gonna go grab a double shot of V, just don't even bother. Go out to your nearest local Asian supermarket and grab one of these babies. You will be buzzing 10 times more then you would after a double shot of V. For everyone who has never tried one of these, you are probably thinking to yourself these red bulls must be so big, but you are VERY wrong!
Your standard Thai red bull actually looks something a little like this...
If you are thinking this little bottle that looks like medicine won't keep me awake for more than 5 minutes you are so so wrong! The best thing about these drinks is that you can buy them for around $1-$2 depending on what areas around Sydney you are in!
Thankfully there is a suburb a few minutes away from where I live called Cabramatta! For all of the unfortunate souls who happen to grow up around the North Shore/Inner City, you have to travel to get to this suburb but lucky me, your not so typical west end gurl, I only have to drive up a road for about 10 minutes to get there! It is what I would describe as a mini Asia (I am guessing that it is how all Asian countries would look like). Home to some of the most amazing food I have ever had in my lifetime, which includes the BEST crispy skin chicken and egg noodle soup, a shop called Papa Roti (Which is also in Strathfield) and my favourite, boxes of these Thai Red Bulls!
Because I had just gotten paid and happened to be in this really fucked up awesome suburb, I had decided to purchase a small package of 10 bottled red bulls, which came to a total of $11. This was one of the best purchases I have ever made, although I had only found out after I had left the supermarket that they also sold the REAL BIG box with I am guessing around 60 Red Bulls in it. The little package looks like this...
I must say I was really excited that day because I had 3 of these Thai red bulls and lets just say I blame them for my periods coming 3 days late!
So to all the missys and miss-ters out there, I would have to recommend you drink no other energy drink then this. It is sweeter, smaller, and the come down is a nausea like nothing i've ever had before!
When I went into the movies and watched The Avengers, I'm not going to lie, I didn't really understand it that well. Usually this would be an issue as I would have left the cinema, but there is something about this movie that I absolutely loved! Pretty sure it was the effects and the whole 3D magic!
If you are considering watching this movie I would say go for it! I am pretty sure you don't have to be smart to watch it, more like sci-fi/Marvel smart? I don't know but I really couldn't describe the plot that well, the only thing I could tell you is that all these Super Heros come together to fight this guy that is from another planet? Universe? Not earth? That wears black and gold? Leather? Tight clothes?
This evil villain is actually a pretty shit character too! He never really "rules" anyone even though his punch line is like "You were made to be ruled"? He needed to be more evil and stronger! He was actually a pussy! No one even fought with him everyone was fighting the scary creatures that came in from a black hole above the city?
Also in this movie there are Super Heros which I never knew existed like I had never heard of Scarlett Johannson's character, I still don't even know what she does except she moves fast, that is all I know! And even then I am sure that is not her Super Power?
Also I had no idea that the hulk was played by the guy from 'Just Like Heaven', Mark Ruffalo, I thought they may have created another movie with him in it that I had totally disregarded because I kept questioning why Eric Bana was not the Hulk!
Wait WHAT?
And then the Aussie Hemsworth guy, he was fighting his brother and I think you had to have watched the movie that came out before with him in it to understand the story line better!
And then there's captain America who I assumed was still his character from 'Fantastic Four', you know the one that can turn into fire? I had so many questions thinking about it which was probably what was preventing me from understanding the movie.
Don't know who the guy behind him was either?
So you're NOT Torch?
And then there was the most random character of them all...
Robin from 'How I Met Your Mother'??????? I don't even know what she did in the movie because I was so confused as to why she was even in the movie, I thought she was going to break into a joke every time she said her lines.
The only person I really knew was Iron Man, my favourite Super Hero character anyway!
He is the best right? Much Love!
My sister did not really enjoy it, to read her blog click HERE.
You are probably thinking what tha fuck are these pony shoes? And just to clarify this I would like to tell everyone that this is a tend I have just happened to make up subconsciously, as I have purchased two shoes which BOTH happen to have ponies on them and YES, now I feel like I am obsessed!
Do you not think that it is strange that I have subconsciously purchased 2 pairs of shoes in a row, both with ponies on them? I am probably ranting on too much about this already but TRUST me I am basically freaking out because if I should say so myself, I buy A LOT of shoes!
It all started on a cold day somewhere near Terrigal....
I was sitting on a couch flicking through Asos on the Ipad and I came across the cutest shoes I had ever scene in my whole life!
Are they not SUPER CUTE? I thought for sure I need them, so I automatically bought them, because I could not live without them! (They also come in the most beautiful blue colour)
Anyway the other day I was thinking to myself WHAT am I going to wear to Groovin The Moo (Which happens to be tomorrow), and I thought YES I have the perfect shoes, so to give you a quick back story, I was celebrating Chinese New Year at that park up next to Central Station around China Town, and when I went for dinner at some random Chinese Restaurant, I happened to walk past the Raben store which is where I had spotted (then) the CUTEST shoes in my whole life! These shoes where so perfect they would never be erased out of my memory and clearly I wanted to own them but you know how it gets when you know that your room is way to full? Plus i'm kind of psychic because I know when I see an item of clothing or shoes or anything really I will most likely own it ONE day!
Knowing that I now had somewhere to wear these amazing gum boots too- which was also perfect as I was going to a festival that is meant to be 19 degrees and I assume wet and muddy- I went right out and purchased my...
Seriously CUTE pony gum boots!
Thus a new trend was born! My pony shoe trend!
To steal my style and get your very own pair of pony shoes, click HERE for the Asos shoes in black and HERE for the blue colour, and HERE for the Raben gum boots. And I know what you're thinking, As if the Raben store has an online website, I know I was surprised too!
The Asos ones in blue, in case you did not believe me!
Do you ever get really sick of music these days? Me too! It pissed me off so much that I went out and purchased the new MOS Anthems: R&B. If you were born in the early 90's like myself and grew up in the west, like myself, then there is a very good chance that we share a simple love of a few old R&B songs.
This compilation is pretty great, complete with 3 CD's it is a fun album! You have the really old school R&B, mixed with some moderately new R&B and then the really new songs like Drake and shit. Anyway to read more about it and the track list click HERE.
The album looks a little like this...
Below i've posted a convenient mini mix, to give you a better idea!
*WARNING* If I ever write a post about a restaurant that you are considering visiting at least once in your life it would have to be this post!
If you ever visit 'The Star', after a late night out on the town and only have pocket change to spare, DO NOT go to gamble, face it you suck and you will not win a billion dollars tonight! Instead go to Fuel at the 24/7 Sports Bar.
I am a BIG fan of The Star and good food that is cheap, so if that is what you are looking for and you happen to be starving somewhere in the city, walk right up into the casino area and go and order some of the most amazing food you will ever eat in your whole entire life! Don't get me wrong I love every single restaurant in The Star but right now I am giving everyone an idea of where to go when you happen to be a little low on cash dollar!
My Favourite things on this menu which I would highly recommend include:
The servings are pretty big and I would describe the menu as pretty versatile, perfect for a starving drunk person, just act normal because you do not wanna get kicked out! Trust me! I've been kicked out! NOT FUN!
My fav out of all the menu is the Dixie Southern Fried Chicken, if heaven had a taste, it would taste like this dish! OH MA GAD so amazing and probably the best mash potato and gravy you will ever have in your whole life! You do have the option of switching the mash for hot chips but DO NOT do it! KEEP THE MASH!
The service is pretty good, they make the food pretty fast and It is just the best! For a really great meal, EAT HERE!
How I LOVE 21 Jump Street! It HAS to be one of the best movies I have watched in a very long time!
Worth every cent I spent on tight ass tuesday at the movies! ( Movies are so expensive these days I would say go on Tuesdays or don't go at all OR at least go to the drive in's, on Tuesday you pay 10 bucks and get two movies to watch and you can also use your cinebuzz card!)
Back to 21 Jump Street - I actually loved it so much I have watched it a total of FOUR TIMES! One of my favourite movies for sure! I'm not really sure how to review a movie and I am probably not very convincing right now but I will try my best!
Ok so you can read the plot of the movie HERE, but what I would really like to talk about most is how HILARIOUS Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are! I knew that Jonah Hill was going to be uber crazy funny, but I had NO idea how funny Channing Tatum is! Basically they go back to high school undercover and they switch places so Jonah Hill becomes popular when he wasn't in high school and Channing Tatum becomes unpopular when he was popular back in high school! And I must admit that although Tatum becomes unpopular it actually looks more fun than being popular. The movie moves through scenes pretty fast so I find that a positive because I cannot stand movies that drag on (like this post).
I am so shit at reviewing movies I am just going to stop even trying to review this one because all I can say is that it is so funny and everyone must go and watch it ASAPPPPPPPPP!
To give you a MUCH better idea, below I have posted a video of the trailer and a video of one of my favourite scenes! *Explicit language in second video*
I am so in love with printed tees it is not funny! To be precise I am in love with the Givenchy printed tees S/S 12! I don't even care what is on them if they are Givenchy I LOVE! GIVENCHY=LOVE
Christine Centenera rocking her Givenchy tee!
Kanye rocking his!
Can you see why I am so in love now? Paired with leather leggings or a split skirt we can all rock one of these! Which is why I have FOUND a similar one for only $38.99 (HOW CHEAP RIGHT? Compared to $450+ for the real thing) so Click Here to get yours, you've gotta be quick though cause there's only like 19 left.
Apart from the price, the thing I love most is that this "dress", is a similar print worn by Centenera, and it is my fav print of this season on a tee for sure! Once mine arrives I will be taking some pics just to give everyone an idea of how it looks and how it can be styled!
I will now leave you with a video involving a guy that could be more excited about Givenchy tees than I!
5 months into the year and I am attending my first festival of this year 'Groovin The Moo'. I would have to say that there is something clever about this festival like no other - pretty sure it's because you're in the bush along with a seriously random range of artists. It's cold but not too cold AND you don't see too many ugly outfits. For a festival it is slightly bearable!
Last year I attended 'Groovin The Moo' Maitland and apart from the freezing cold weather it was a really great day! I also won tickets (thanks to Triple J) to meet the Drums IN PERSON who were SO SO SO nice! I love them! This year I am going to the Canberra GTM so fingers crossed it will be ok!
As for the really random as line up - 360, Adrian Lux, Bluejuice, Matt Corby, Digitalism, Kimbra, San Cisco, Wavves, Kaiser Chiefs, City and Colour, Muscles and a few more, fucken seriously random! Excited for Wavves, San Cisco and Digitalism though!
Anyway I hate ranting on so I've posted the link to the GTM website and a Drums and Digitalism song which are two of my faves!